Standard Operating Procedures for Vibrating Screens

Standard Operating Procedures for Vibrating Screens

Inspection before running the vibrating screen: including equipment sanitation, complete, fastened and intact connecting bolts of each part, checking whether the exciter is intact, and checking each spring. Whether the vibrating screen is damaged, missing, broken, etc., check whether the triangular belt is tensioned, whether the screen box is broken, whether the sieve plate is damaged, check whether the sieve plate is blocked by debris, and the screen surface should be flat without damage or looseness. Check whether the material chute is smooth, check whether the beam is open and welded, check whether the protective device is reliable, check whether the control box, communication and lighting are in good condition, whether the grounding protection is reliable, and whether the control button is flexible and reliable. When starting: After turning on the vibrating screen, stand beside the control box to monitor the equipment starting and stop immediately if abnormalities are found. After starting normally, inspect the nozzles of each vibrating screen again for blockage or falling off, often observe the temperature and sound of the motor, often observe the sound of the exciter, and observe the vibration of the screen to see if the amplitude of the four corners is consistent and whether there is coal leakage. Loose or falling off, often observe the effect of dehydration and mediation. Check whether the material in and out of the sieve is normal and whether it is blocked. Shutdown: After the material on the sieve is discharged, the machine can be shut down. When parking, observe whether the sieve collides with other equipment when it passes the resonance point. When the following conditions are found, it must be stopped immediately. When there are many sundries in the sieve area and the feeding is not smooth, the sieve mesh is broken in a large area, the chute under the sieve is seriously blocked, the sieve box swings seriously, and other abnormal conditions. After the problem is eliminated, the vibrating screen can be restarted to run.