How to effectively prevent the crusher from jamming

During the use of the crusher, it is common for the jamming phenomenon to occur, which has caused time and economic losses to the customer. So how to effectively prevent the jamming of the crusher?
1. The lubricating oil is not up to the standard. Too much lubricating oil, too little lubricating oil, dirt and deterioration will affect the lubricating effect of the equipment, thereby reducing the speed of the equipment, resulting in a reduction in the crushing effect of the equipment. The phenomenon of clogging.
2. The wear of the wearing parts will cause the crushing size of the material to be too large, and the phenomenon of unsmooth feeding will occur during the screening process, which will easily cause the blockage of the crusher.
3. The feeding speed is too fast, and the crusher is too late for the crusher. If the feeding is uneven and the speed is too fast during the crushing process, the material in the crushing chamber will not be discharged in time, which will cause serious blockage of the equipment.
4. The discharge port is not smooth. The crusher is generally installed relatively high. There is a conveyor below it, and some materials will fall below the conveyor. If the material below the conveyor accumulates a lot, it will seriously affect the performance of the crusher. Normal discharge.
5. The screen under the crusher is rusted, blocked, etc., resulting in slow discharge, which in turn causes the blockage of the crusher.
6. The voltage is unstable. When the equipment is broken, the voltage is unstable, and the crusher cannot reach the normal speed, which will easily cause equipment blockage
7. The material is too large, and the crushed material is too large, which will cause serious wear and tear on the various parts of the equipment, and blockage will occur after a long time. Once the crusher is blocked, it will affect the future use and affect the work efficiency. Therefore, In normal use, we must pay attention to the method of use to ensure that the device can be used normally.
In summary, when the above situation occurs, stop feeding immediately, cut off the power supply, find out the cause of the blockage, and solve it.