How to deal with noise during sand making machine operation

Nowadays, in order to protect the environment, private sand mining is prohibited in various places. As a concrete ingredient in the construction industry, sand and gravel consume a lot of resources, and natural sand resources are becoming less and less, forming a seller’s market in short supply. In addition, there are countless construction projects at home and abroad every year, natural sand is scarce, and the price of machine-made sand is rising rapidly. Heavy industrial equipment for manufacturing sand and gravel ushered in the spring of the market, and demand soared.

However, in the production process of the sand making machine, a certain decibel noise will inevitably be generated, which will not only pollute the environment, but also affect the physical and mental health and work progress of the staff. So how to find a way to create a noise for the workers What about relatively harmonious and quiet work? Next, Zhongmei Tongda will take everyone to analyze and solve the problem of noise reduction from the following aspects.

1. Noise reduction at the target
For the protection of operators, a rotation system is adopted to reduce the working time of workers entering the noise area.

Second, the propagation path noise reduction
By adopting the method of adding barriers, it can hinder the spread of noise to a certain extent or rely on natural terrain, such as hills, woods, and tall buildings. In the overall planning of the sand making machine, the equipment can be placed away from the office area, or concentrated together for easy operation, so that the purpose of reducing noise can be achieved.

3. Noise reduction at the source
The production process of the sand making machine equipment was transformed and upgraded and low-noise equipment was selected. After the test, the equipment of Youzhong Machinery has higher output and lower energy consumption than the same type of products in the same industry after the upgrade, and it is running at the same time During the process, the noise is also very low.