Note that the output of the sand making machine is increased by 40% in these 4 points

Due to the shortage of natural sand resources and the increasing cost of natural sand, the use of artificial sand instead of natural river sand is an inevitable trend of sustainable development. Therefore, sand making machines will be an important source of technical support for artificial sand making in the future. During the use of these sand making equipment, in addition to equipment failures that will affect the output of the machines, the selection of materials will also affect the output of the sand making machines. The following are a few A very common influencing factor:

1. Composition of sand making materials
The more fine powder the material contains before sand making, the greater its impact, because the fine powder easily adheres to the material and affects transportation. Therefore, we should screen out the fine powder from the material as much as possible, so as not to affect the normal operation of the sand making machine.
2. The hardness of the sand making material
The hardness of the ore itself is a key factor affecting the difficulty of ore crushing in the production process. The harder the ore, the higher its density, the harder it is to break, the lower the production efficiency, and the more serious the wear of the equipment, which will not only affect the output of the sand making machine, but also cause equipment wear. Therefore, we need to choose materials with moderate hardness.
Picture 3. Viscosity of sand making material:
The higher the viscosity of the material, the easier it is to adhere to the sand making machine. The high viscosity material adheres to the inner wall of the sand making machine, which will affect the working efficiency of the sand making machine. Therefore, we need to choose a material whose viscosity cannot be too large.
4. Humidity of sand making materials:
When the moisture in the material is large, the material is easy to adhere to the inner wall of the sand making machine, and it is also easy to cause the sand making machine to block during the transportation process, reduce the sand making capacity of the sand making machine, and affect the normal operation of the sand making machine. Therefore, we should control the temperature of the material when selecting the material. If the humidity of the material is high, the moisture in the material can be reduced by sunlight or air drying.
The above are some important factors that will affect the output of the sand making machine. Reasonable selection of materials can not only improve the output of the sand making machine, but also affect the service life of the sand making machine. Therefore, when selecting materials, we should pay more attention to the above points in order to ensure that high-quality machine-made sand can be produced at the same time as high-capacity.